Jenkins vs IBM UrbanCode Deploy

October 07, 2021

Jenkins vs IBM UrbanCode Deploy

DevOps teams are always looking for tools that can help them be more efficient and effective. Two of the most popular tools in the DevOps space are Jenkins and IBM UrbanCode Deploy. In this blog post, we will compare the two tools and help teams decide which one could be the best option for their organization.


Jenkins is an open-source automation server that helps automate various phases of the software development process. It is a highly customizable tool with a massive collection of plugins available, making it the go-to tool for many organizations. IBM UrbanCode Deploy, on the other hand, is a commercial tool aimed at helping organizations automate their deployment processes. It offers a wide variety of features, including environment management, version control, and automated deployment, that can help organizations improve their software delivery process.


Now that we have a brief idea of what both tools are, let's compare them based on the following criteria:

1. Ease of use

Jenkins is highly customizable but can be difficult to set up and maintain, especially for teams that don't have a lot of experience with it. IBM UrbanCode Deploy, on the other hand, is easier to set up and use, making it a better option for teams that are new to DevOps.

2. Architecture

Jenkins follows a master-slave architecture, where the master controls the execution of jobs and the slaves are used to perform the actual execution of jobs. IBM UrbanCode Deploy uses an agent-based architecture, where agents are used to execute jobs on remote servers.

3. Scalability

Since Jenkins follows a master-slave architecture, it can easily scale out by adding more slaves to handle more jobs. IBM UrbanCode Deploy, with its agent-based architecture, can also scale out but requires additional hardware to deploy more agents.

4. Integration

Jenkins has a massive collection of plugins available, making it easy to integrate it with various third-party tools. IBM UrbanCode Deploy also offers integration with many third-party tools but has a smaller collection of plugins compared to Jenkins.

5. Price

As an open-source tool, Jenkins is free to use. However, organizations have to pay for additional features and support. IBM UrbanCode Deploy, being a commercial tool, requires a license fee, making it a more expensive option for organizations.


Both Jenkins and IBM UrbanCode Deploy have their pros and cons when it comes to automating the software delivery process. Jenkins is a highly customizable tool that can handle many tasks, but it requires more effort to set up and maintain. IBM UrbanCode Deploy is easier to use and better for organizations that are new to DevOps, but it comes with a license fee. Additionally, the choice between the two tools will depend on an organization's specific needs and budget.


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